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HomeOnderwerpenMedia en literatuurInternetverkeer Suriname heeft last van storing zeekabel

Internetverkeer Suriname heeft last van storing zeekabel


Does Travel - naar Suriname

PARAMARIBO, 27 apr – Een storing op de Americas II- zeekabel bij St.Croix, zorgt er momenteel voor dat het internetverkeer in Suriname mogelijk stremming ondervindt. Dat heeft het Telecommunicatiebedrijf Suriname(Telesur) bekend gemaakt.

Volgens Telesur zal de kans op stremming tot en met zaterdag 29 april 2017 blijven bestaan. Het bedrijf vraagt al haar internetklanten om hiermee rekening te houden. Telesur Corporate Communication deelt mee dat bij vragen, de Helpdesk (152) klanten graag van dienst is.

Ondertussen regent het op sociale media van klachten van internetters die last ondervinden van de storing, welke veroorzaakt zou zijn door een breuk in de kabel.

Photo credit: Diari La Veu 678637667 via photopin (license)

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  1. Door de financiële B status wilt men nu per maand kijken na betaling van teleSur voor gebruik van vaste rechten voldaan wordt…bij ingebreken raken of achterstand zal 1vierde van de lijn beschikbaar blijven…dit is zorgwekkend bij geen verbinding en steeds overbelasting voor de burgers …die er wel voor een volle gebruik betalen…

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  2. Dit is echte desinformatie, er is gewoon niet betaald. Op internet is geen spoor te vinden over storing bij St. Croix.
    Ook bij Telesur denken ze dat Surinamers dom zijn en alles maar geloven van die paarse kliek.
    Als ze een beetje ballen hebben rekenen ze over deze periode geen internet kosten aan de gebruikers.
    Internet in Suriname is zo wiezo veel te duur, tijd voor een alternatief (google?)

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  3. Jullie lopen te liegen.

    Over the past few weeks, Kaieteur News has been receiving complaints about poor quality service being experienced by customers of both Digicel and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT).

    GTT, Digicel attribute poor quality service to upgrade efforts.
    Contacted by this newspaper, the two companies admitted that they were experiencing some technical glitches that have resulted in poor mobile data connection, and dropped calls.
    According to Digicel, the interruptions to its services come as the result of “scheduled repairs to the undersea Americas II Cable, North of St. Croix.”
    The company said that the repairs may affect DSL speeds from April 28 – April 29, starting at 10:00hrs.
    Digicel’s Public Relations Officer, Vidya Sanichara said that efforts are being made to ensure that the repairs are done in a time effective manner.
    “We sincerely apologise for these recent interruptions, and we are working to have the upgrades completed in the shortest possible time,” Sanichara said.
    Similarly, GTT is also attributing its service interruptions to system upgrades as well. But this is mostly affecting landline services.
    The company said that it is working to apply the latest generation of networking technologies and equipment to its broadband network, to provide faster speeds, more capacity and enhanced network reliability.
    “GTT is partnering with General Data Tech (GDT), a leading systems integrator and tier 1 Cisco partner to upgrade systems and architecture to a level consistent with the best practices of leading global service providers around the world,” the company noted in a statement.
    In addition to more efficient services, GTT noted that it will also be able to more effectively manage aggressive traffic growth scenarios for many years to come.
    “GDT is an award-winning technology integration partner with expertise in the delivery of enterprise network, collaboration, mobility, and data centre technologies to service providers, large enterprises, and businesses of all sizes,” the statement read.
    GTT’s broadband network provides access to the Internet for more than 50,000 customers.
    “This system upgrade, coupled with GTT’s substantial undersea capacity, will facilitate a substantial improvement in broadband and data connectivity.”
    The project for upgrading the network is expected to be completed by third quarter 2017. During this time, some customers may continue to experience intermittent outages.
    The telephone company said too, that it “deeply regrets any inconvenience experienced and commits to making all efforts to minimize the outages during the business day and early evening.”
    Meanwhile, officials of the Public Utilities Commission said that they have only received three complaints of poor service, against each of the two companies, as it relates to their mobile services.
    “For this year, there haven’t been many complaints,” the PUC official emphasized.
    However, it is the Ministry of Public Telecommunications that is being bombarded with criticisms against the two companies – Digicel and GTT.
    According to the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Derrick Cummings, complaints are usually deferred to the individual companies, which would commit to solving the problems.
    “The Ministry is constantly engaging both Digicel and GTT, in relation to better services.”

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  4. Geweldige provider! Ik was net in game met 87 ping, maar ondanks mijn lage en STABIELE ping kregen jullie het toch voor elkaar om de game voor mijn team te verliezen! Ik was practically aan het inten met Rengar. Suck a fat one.

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