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HomeOnderwerpenGeschiedenisTV: Tweeluik met bijzondere beelden n.a.v. Srefidensi Suriname

TV: Tweeluik met bijzondere beelden n.a.v. Srefidensi Suriname


Does Travel - naar Suriname

Het TV programma Andere Tijden (NTR/VPRO) zendt op dinsdag 17 en 24 november een tweeluik uit in aanloop naar de viering van 40 jaar onafhankelijkheid. In het eerste deel staat het dagelijks leven na de Tweede Wereldoorlog oorlog centraal. Ruim ondersteund door bijzondere archiefbeelden vertellen inwoners van Suriname over de toenemende welvaart, het wonen in de stad, op de plantage en in het binnenland.

Het is een schets van een leven dat nauwelijks meer bestaat. Alle hoge posities, van gouverneur tot rechter, worden bekleed door Nederlanders. Het Nederlands is de taal van de beschaving – iemand die goed Nederlands spreekt, wordt ‘een fijne neger’ genoemd, vertelt Hans Prade, die opgroeit in een van de armste wijken van Paramaribo.

Deel twee beschrijft het langzaam opkomend nationalisme vanaf de jaren 60. Voor een belangrijk deel van de bevolking is Nederland het grote voorbeeld en het Koninklijk Huis wordt op handen gedragen. Maar kleine groepen beginnen eigen identiteit en cultuur steeds meer te koesteren en pleiten uiteindelijk voor complete zelfstandigheid.

Uitzending: dinsdag 17 en 24 november 2015, 21.20 uur, NPO 2

Fernandes Express
Caribbean Night

  1. Nieuws, nieuws, en nieuws dino krijgt gezelschap van twee vrienden uit Venezuela, eindelijk is de team compleet.
    Goed zo Amerika en Preet Bharara god bless you, ruim die klootzakken op!

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  2. @ Mr. Pakro,

    Helemaal goed! Maar bij Van 1502 enz. en Blaka Koeli dringt dit nog niet door. Zij worden niet gehinderd door enige kennis van zaken.

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  3. Ik zou willen zeggen, Paarse rioolratten:

    Ga er eens lekker voor zitten en verbaas je over de mate van ‘vooruitgang’ tussen die tijd van toen en van nu. Je zult schrikken.

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  4. In een ontwikkeld land wordt altijd gesproken over toekomst, maar Suriname IS de enige land die steeds over het verleden heeft, zodoende zijn de ontwikkelingen van de Surinamers ook achter, en de paarse rovers kunnen misbruik maken van hun macht. De slavenerij IS in Su nog niet afgeschaft , ze zijn Slaaf geworden paarse rovers

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  5. Venezuelan first lady’s nephews arrested in U.S. drug case: sources
    NEW YORK/CARACAS | By Nate Raymond and Brian Ellsworth

    Two nephews of Venezuela’s first lady have been arrested and brought to the United States to face drug trafficking charges, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.

    Franqui Francisco Flores-de Freitas, 30, and Efrain Antonio Campo-Flores, 29, were flown to New York on Tuesday, a source said. Both are nephews of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s wife, Cilia Flores, according to two sources linked to the Flores family.

    The news may tarnish Maduro’s image as he heads toward legislative elections in December that are expected to be among the most difficult for the ruling Socialist Party due to the OPEC nation’s economic crisis.

    The U.S. State Department says that more than half of the cocaine produced in neighboring Colombia is trafficked through Venezuela toward markets in Europe and the United States.

    Maduro denies those charges, calling them a smear campaign against the Socialist Party.

    The two were arrested in Haiti at a hotel in the capital, Port-au-Prince, on Tuesday by anti-narcotics police at the request of U.S. authorities, according to a senior Haitian official.

    They were flown out of the country later that day accompanied by agents from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the official said.

    They were arrested after contacting an undercover U.S. agent about selling 800 kg (1,763 lb) of cocaine through Honduras, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing two sources familiar with the matter.

    No charging documents were immediately available on Wednesday. A spokeswoman for Manhattan, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, declined comment.

    Venezuela’s Information Ministry did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment.

    Flores, 62, whom the president refers to as the “First Combatant,” is highly influential under the government of her husband. She worked on the legal team of late socialist leader Hugo Chavez, working to secure his 1994 release from prison after a failed coup attempt.

    In 2006, she became the first woman elected to lead the legislature, taking over that role from Maduro, and is registered as a candidate in the Dec. 6 legislative elections.

    She is frequently seen at Maduro’s side in public events, and on Wednesday was with him in Saudi Arabia.

    Maduro is scheduled to speak at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Thursday to defend his country’s human rights record in the face of accusations he has stifled dissent.

    The U.S. State Department said in a report in March corruption in Venezuela facilitates drug smuggling, and it implicated high-ranking Venezuelan government officials in the trade.

    The U.S. Treasury has placed nine Venezuelan officials on a “kingpin” list, which bars those suspected of involvement in large-scale drug trafficking from the U.S. financial system.

    At least 100 military and police officials in the last five years have been accused of drug trafficking by Venezuelan prosecutors, according to the state prosecutors’ office.

    (Reporting by Brian Ellsworth and Eyanir Chinea in Caracas, Nate Raymond in New York and David Adams in Miami.; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Lisa Shumaker)

    Dit bedoelde ik.

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  6. @..BLAKA BAKRA,..

    Go, Yankees, go! Uitroeien die hele handel, Val ook Suriname maar binnen!

    SHAME ON YOU,..dit zijn.Typische uitspraken van een land verrader/ redie moesoe je moet jezelf schamen om dit zelfs anoniem neer te pennen.ruggengraatloze keukenmeid !

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  7. @ MR.PAKRO.

    Venezuelan first lady’s nephews arrested in U.S. drug case: sources
    NEW YORK/CARACAS | By Nate Raymond and Brian Ellsworth

    Two nephews of Venezuela’s first lady have been arrested and brought to the United States to face drug trafficking charges, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.

    Franqui Francisco Flores-de Freitas, 30, and Efrain Antonio Campo-Flores, 29, were flown to New York on Tuesday, a source said. Both are nephews of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s wife, Cilia Flores, according to two sources linked to the Flores family.

    The news may tarnish Maduro’s image as he heads toward legislative elections in December that are expected to be among the most difficult for the ruling Socialist Party due to the OPEC nation’s economic crisis.

    The U.S. State Department says that more than half of the cocaine produced in neighboring Colombia is trafficked through Venezuela toward markets in Europe and the United States.

    Maduro denies those charges, calling them a smear campaign against the Socialist Party.

    The two were arrested in Haiti at a hotel in the capital, Port-au-Prince, on Tuesday by anti-narcotics police at the request of U.S. authorities, according to a senior Haitian official.

    They were flown out of the country later that day accompanied by agents from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the official said.

    They were arrested after contacting an undercover U.S. agent about selling 800 kg (1,763 lb) of cocaine through Honduras, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing two sources familiar with the matter.

    No charging documents were immediately available on Wednesday. A spokeswoman for Manhattan, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, declined comment.

    Venezuela’s Information Ministry did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment.

    Flores, 62, whom the president refers to as the “First Combatant,” is highly influential under the government of her husband. She worked on the legal team of late socialist leader Hugo Chavez, working to secure his 1994 release from prison after a failed coup attempt.

    In 2006, she became the first woman elected to lead the legislature, taking over that role from Maduro, and is registered as a candidate in the Dec. 6 legislative elections.

    She is frequently seen at Maduro’s side in public events, and on Wednesday was with him in Saudi Arabia.

    Maduro is scheduled to speak at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Thursday to defend his country’s human rights record in the face of accusations he has stifled dissent.

    The U.S. State Department said in a report in March corruption in Venezuela facilitates drug smuggling, and it implicated high-ranking Venezuelan government officials in the trade.

    The U.S. Treasury has placed nine Venezuelan officials on a “kingpin” list, which bars those suspected of involvement in large-scale drug trafficking from the U.S. financial system.

    At least 100 military and police officials in the last five years have been accused of drug trafficking by Venezuelan prosecutors, according to the state prosecutors’ office.

    (Reporting by Brian Ellsworth and Eyanir Chinea in Caracas, Nate Raymond in New York and David Adams in Miami.; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Lisa Shumaker)

    Dit bedoelde ik.



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  8. ” A People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without Roots ” Marcus Garvey. Sankofa means :” Go back to you Roots, learn from the pass to Achieve your full potential in the Future ” Kwame Nkrumah.

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